I've got no idea who any of these characters are, but considering that the Pokemon anime is, and always will be, aimed at little kids, I think it's a safe bet that none of these characters are actually gay.
Honestly, if you ever sat down and watched one of Harley's episodes, its pretty obvious he's a flaming gay stereotype. The dialogue in the show (even the dub, which surprisingly didn't tone him down), his mannerisms and his actions all support this.
Then there is Zoey, who is as much a stereotype as Harley was, but as a lesbian. She wears masculine outfits during Contests, she has an interest in Dawn, and she and Candice the Gym leader were practically confirmed to be lovers.
Keep in mind, these are all Contest related characters. Since the contest arc is intended to be geared toward little girls, the writers took stereotypes out of shoujo anime and placed them into Pokemon. You have your pretty boy love interest, your flaming gay evil guy, your butch lesbian, and a whole lot of other assorted contest characters that fit one shoujo stereotype or another.
Its like watching Pokemon, shoujo style.