Pokémon - I Choose You!

A Chansey Operation

The Ghost of Maiden's Peak

An Adventure of Mega Proportions!
Mega Evolution Special I

Pokémon - I Choose You!

The March of the Exeggutor Squad

Primeape Goes Bananas

(Mega X)
A Meeting of Two Journeys!
File 4: Charizard

(Mega Y)
A League of His Own!
Mega Evolution Special I

Flash of the Titans!

(Terastallized; Dark)
Fly! Wattrel!!

Pokémon - I Choose You!

Beach Blank-Out Blastoise

The Ghost of Maiden's Peak

Coming Apart at the Dreams!
Mega Evolution Special I

Pokémon Emergency!

Ash Catches a Pokémon

Ash Catches a Pokémon


Challenge of the Samurai

Challenge of the Samurai

Ash Catches a Pokémon

Mega Evolution Special II

Pokémon - I Choose You!

Ash Catches a Pokémon

The School of Hard Knocks

Mega Evolution Special II

Pokémon - I Choose You!

(Alolan Form)
To Top a Totem!

Battle Aboard the St. Anne

(Alolan Form)
To Top a Totem!

(Alolan Form; Totem)
A Team-on-Team Tussle!

Pokémon - I Choose You!

Sparks Fly for Magnemite

Pokémon Emergency!

Dig Those Diglett!

Pokémon - I Choose You!

(Rock Star)
Lights! Camera! Pika!

Lights! Camera! Pika!

(Pop Star)
Lights! Camera! Pika!

(Ph. D)
Lights! Camera! Pika!

Lights! Camera! Pika!

(Alola Cap)
10,000,000 Reasons to Fight!

(Partner Cap)
I Choose You!

(World Cap)
Ultra Exciting from the Shocking Start!

The Climb to Be the Very Best!

Electric Shock Showdown

(Alolan Form)
Racing to a Big Event!

Pokémon - I Choose You!

(Alolan Form)
Getting a Jump on the Competition!

The Flame Pokémon-athon!

(Alolan Form)
Not Caving Under Pressure!

Sparks Fly for Magnemite

The Flame Pokémon-athon!

Navel Maneuvers
Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back

Pokémon Fashion Flash

Pokémon - I Choose You!

A Chansey Operation

Clefairy and the Moon Stone

Clefairy and the Moon Stone

Pokémon Fashion Flash

(Alolan Form)
Racing to a Big Event!

(Alolan Form)
Getting a Jump on the Competition!

The Song of Jigglypuff

(Terastallized; Water)

Lights, Camera, Quack-tion

Clefairy and the Moon Stone

The Ninja Poké-Showdown

Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village

Pokémon Scent-sation!

Pokémon Scent-sation!

Clefairy and the Moon Stone

The Problem with Paras

Pokémon Fashion Flash

The Ninja Poké-Showdown

Dig Those Diglett!

(Alolan Form)
Crystal-Clear Sleuthing!

Dig Those Diglett!

(Alolan Form)
Getting the Band Back Together!

Pokémon Emergency!

(Alolan Form)
Acting True to Form!

(Galarian Form)
Just a Scone's Throw From Here!

Sword and Shield: "From Here to Eternatus!"

Battle Aboard the St. Anne

(Alolan Form)
That's Why the Litten is a Scamp!

Hypno's Naptime

Bye Bye Psyduck
Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back

Pokémon - I Choose You!

Primeape Goes Bananas

Sparks Fly for Magnemite

(Hisuian Form)
The Arceus Chronicles (Part 1)

The Battle of the Badge

Primeape Goes Bananas

Primeape Goes Bananas

The Punchy Pokémon

Abra and the Psychic Showdown

Abra and the Psychic Showdown

The Ancient Puzzle of Pokémopolis

An Adventure of Mega Proportions!
Mega Evolution Special I

The Punchy Pokémon

The Punchy Pokémon

The Punchy Pokémon

Battle Three With Bea!

Primeape Goes Bananas

The School of Hard Knocks

Pokémon Scent-sation!

Tentacool & Tentacruel

Tentacool & Tentacruel

Showdown in Pewter City

(Alolan Form)
Treasure Hunt, Akala Style!

The School of Hard Knocks

(Alolan Form)
Sparking Confusion!

The Bridge Bike Gang

(Alolan Form)
A Young Royal Flame Ignites!

The Flame Pokémon-athon!

(Galarian Form)
The Tale of You and Glimwood Tangle!

The Flame Pokémon-athon!

(Galarian Form)
The Tale of You and Glimwood Tangle!
The Gathering of Stars

Island of the Giant Pokémon

(Galarian Form)
Grabbing the Brass Ring!
The Gathering of Stars

Island of the Giant Pokémon

An Adventure of Mega Proportions!
Mega Evolution Special II

(Galarian Form)
An Evolution in Taste!

Sparks Fly for Magnemite

Sparks Fly for Magnemite

So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd

(Galarian Form)
Toughing It Out!

Showdown at the Po-ké Corral

Pokémon - I Choose You!

The Water Flowers of Cerulean City

The Misty Mermaid

Pokémon Scent-sation!

(Alolan Form)
Turning Heads and Training Hard!

Sparks Fly for Magnemite

(Alolan Form)
Racing to a Big Event!

The Bridge Bike Gang

The Bridge Bike Gang

The Ghost of Maiden's Peak

The Tower of Terror

Pokémon - I Choose You!

Mega Evolution Special I

The Winding Path to Greatness!

The Winding Path to Greatness!

Pokémon - I Choose You!

Hypno's Naptime

Hypno's Naptime

Mystery at the Lighthouse

Showdown at Dark City

Pokémon Fashion Flash

The Flame Pokémon-athon!

Pokémon Scent-sation!

The Battling Eevee Brothers

(Alolan Form)
Alola to New Adventure!

The School of Hard Knocks

Bad to the Bone

(Alolan Form)
A Crowning Moment of Truth!

The Punchy Pokémon

The Punchy Pokémon

Princess vs. Princess

Pokémon Emergency!

Dig Those Diglett!

(Galarian Form)
Getting More Than You Battled For!

The Flame Pokémon-athon!

Showdown at Dark City

Pokémon Emergency!

Pokémon Scent-sation!

The Kangaskhan Kid

Battling Besties!
Mega Evolution Special I

Tentacool & Tentacruel

Round One - Begin!
Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back

Pokémon Emergency!

The Misty Mermaid

Clefairy and the Moon Stone

The Water Flowers of Cerulean City

It's Mr. Mime Time
Pikachu's Vacation

(Galarian Form)

Showdown at Dark City

Showdown at Dark City

Riddle Me This

Challenge of the Samurai

Mega Evolution Special I

The Flame Pokémon-athon!

(Paldean Form;
Combat Breed)
Welcome to Paldea!

(Paldean Form; Combat Breed
Terastallized; Fighting)
Breathe In

Pokémon - I Choose You!

Pokémon - I Choose You!

Coming Apart at the Dreams!
Mega Evolution Special I

Flash of the Titans!


Ditto's Mysterious Mansion

The Battling Eevee Brothers

(Terastallized; Normal)

The Battling Eevee Brothers

The Battling Eevee Brothers

The Battling Eevee Brothers

Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon

Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon

Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon

Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon

Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon

Mega Evolution Special I

Wake Up Snorlax!

Mind-Boggling Dynamax!

Moving Pictures
Pokémon the Movie 2000: The Power of One

(Galarian Form)
The Gathering of Stars

As Clear as Crystal
Pokémon the Movie 2000: The Power of One

(Galarian Form)
The Gathering of Stars

All Fired Up!

(Galarian Form)
Charge! Galar Mine!
The Gathering of Stars

Mystery at the Lighthouse

Pride of a Champion!

The Battle of the Badge
Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back

(Mega X)
Mega Evolution Special I

(Mega Y)

Alola, Kanto!
Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back

The Double Trouble Header

The Bug Stops Here

Here's Lookin' at You, Elekid

Don't Touch That 'dile

You're a Star, Larvitar!

Gonna Rule The School!

Don't Touch That 'dile

Mother of All Battles
Pokémon 4Ever - Celebi: The Voice of the Forest

Ring Masters

Tanks a Lot!

Pikachu & Pichu

Illusion Confusion!
Pikachu's Rescue Adventure

Fowl Play!

The Whistle Stop
Pikachu's Rescue Adventure

Mountain Time

Spinarak Attack

Ariados, Amigos

Control Freak!

Takin' It on the Chinchou
Pikachu & Pichu

The Mystery is History

The Apple Corp!
Pikachu & Pichu

(Spiky-eared Pichu)
Arceus and the Jewel of Life

Wish Upon a Star Shape
Pikachu & Pichu

Same Old Song and Dance
Pikachu & Pichu

Who Gets to Keep Togepi?

A Togepi Mirage!

Doin' What Comes Natu-rally

Xatu the Future

Mild 'n Wooly

All Things Bright and Beautifly!
Pokémon 3: The Movie - Spell of the Unown: Entei

Fight for the Light!

Calling from Beyond the Aura!
Mega Evolution Special I

Flower Power
Pikachu's Rescue Adventure

The Crystal Onix
Pikachu's Vacation

Love, Totodile Style

Type Casting

(Terastallized; Grass)
Nemona and Brassius and…

Outrageous Fortunes

Foul Weather Friends

The Grass Route

Bulbasaur... the Ambassador!
Pokémon 4Ever - Celebi: The Voice of the Forest

A Hot Water Battle
Pokémon 3: The Movie - Spell of the Unown: Entei

Moving Pictures

Grin to Win!

Wings 'N' Things

No Big Woop!

(Paldean Form)
Arboliva's Forest

Once in a Blue Moon

Espeon, Not Included

Power Play!

All That Glitters!
Pikachu & Pichu

A Crowning Achievement
Pokémon the Movie 2000: The Power of One

(Galarian Form)
An Evolution in Taste!

Entei at Your Own Risk

(A to Z)
Address Unown!
Pokémon 3: The Movie - Spell of the Unown: Entei

Tricks of the Trade

The Psychic Sidekicks!
Pokémon 3: The Movie - Spell of the Unown: Entei

Going Apricorn!

Entei at Your Own Risk

The Dunsparce Deception

The Superhero Secret

Nerves of Steelix!

When Regions Collide!
Mega Evolution Special II

Snubbull Snobbery
Pikachu's Vacation

The Trouble With Snubbull
Pokémon 3: The Movie - Spell of the Unown: Entei

Dueling Heroes
Snorlax Snowman

Wired for Battle!

Mega Evolution Special I

A Better Pill to Swallow
Pikachu & Pichu

A Sappy Ending

Mega Evolution Special I

Pop Goes The Sneasel
Pokémon 4Ever - Celebi: The Voice of the Forest

Pokémon 3: The Movie - Spell of the Unown: Entei

(Terastallized; Bug)

Forest Grumps

Love, Pokémon Style

Some Like it Hot

Spring Fever

As Cold as Pryce
Pokémon 4Ever - Celebi: The Voice of the Forest

Around the Whirlpool
Pikachu's PikaBoo

(Galarian Form)
The Winding Path to Greatness!

The Light Fantastic
Snorlax Snowman

Octillery The Outcast

Dues and Don'ts
Delibird's Dilemma

Mantine Overboard!
Pokémon 3: The Movie - Spell of the Unown: Entei

Hot Matches!

Hour of the Houndour

Houndoom's Special Delivery

The Right Hero for the Right Job!
Mega Evolution Special I

Dueling Heroes
Pokémon 3: The Movie - Spell of the Unown: Entei

Hatching a Plan
Pokémon 3: The Movie - Spell of the Unown: Entei

Roll On, Pokémon!
Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back

Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice

The Little Big Horn

The Art of Pokémon
Pikachu & Pichu

A Tyrogue Full of Trouble

Two Hits and a Miss
Pikachu & Pichu

The Screen Actor's Guilt
Pikachu & Pichu

The Double Trouble Header
Pikachu's Rescue Adventure

You're a Star, Larvitar!
Pikachu & Pichu

A Goldenrod Opportunity

Ignorance is Blissey

Houndoom's Special Delivery

Entei at Your Own Risk
Pokémon 3: The Movie - Spell of the Unown: Entei

Don't Touch That 'dile

Hatch Me If You Can
Pikachu's PikaBoo

The Mystery is History

Address Unown!
Pokémon 4Ever - Celebi: The Voice of the Forest

Mega Evolution Special I

The Mystery is History
Pokémon the Movie 2000: The Power of One

Pokémon - I Choose You!

The Green Guardian
Pokémon 4Ever - Celebi: The Voice of the Forest

Get the Show on the Road!

What You Seed is What You Get

Shocks and Bonds

Valuable Experience for All!
Mega Evolution Special II

Get the Show on the Road!

Having a Wailord of a Time

Pop Goes The Sneasel

Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

Get the Show on the Road!

Abandon Ship!

Abandon Ship!

Mega Evolution Special II

Get the Show on the Road!

A Bite to Remember

In the Knicker of Time!

(Galarian Form)
Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!

Showdown At Linoone
Jirachi: Wish Maker

All in a Day's Wurmple

A Corphish Out of Water

Get the Show on the Road!

A Corphish Out of Water

Seeing is Believing!

The Lotad Lowdown

Take the Lombre Home

Go Go Ludicolo!
Gotta Dance!

Seeing is Believing!

Turning Over a Nuzleaf

Jump for Joy!

You Never Can Taillow

Candid Camerupt!

Hoenn Alone!

Hoenn Alone!

Do I Hear a Ralts?

Delcatty Got Your Tongue
Jirachi: Wish Maker

Do I Hear a Ralts?
Destiny Deoxys

The Bonds of Evolution!
Mega Evolution Special I

Maxxed Out!

A Fan with a Plan

Taming of the Shroomish

A Shroomish Skirmish
Jirachi: Wish Maker

Love, Petalburg Style!

There's no Place Like Hoenn

Love, Petalburg Style!

A Three Team Scheme!

The Princess and the Togepi

The Princess and the Togepi

A Poké-BLOCK Party!
Gotta Dance!

A Hole Lotta Trouble

Exploud and Clear!

Brave the Wave

Brave the Wave

A Ruin with a View
Pikachu's PikaBoo

The Winner by a Nosepass

I Feel Skitty!
Big Meowth, Little Dreams (Part 2)

Delcatty Got Your Tongue
Jirachi: Wish Maker

Ready, Willing, and Sableye

Mega Evolution Special II

Once in a Mawile
Destiny Deoxys

The Bonds of Mega Evolution!
Mega Evolution Special I

A Hole Lotta Trouble

A Fan with a Plan

A Hole Lotta Trouble

The Prism Between Light and Darkness!
Mega Evolution Special I

A Meditite Fight!

Pros and Con Artists

Mega Evolution Special I

Watt's with Wattson?
Jirachi: Wish Maker

Manectric Charge
Jirachi: Wish Maker

Mega Evolution Special I

A Different Kind of Misty!

A Different Kind of Misty!

Love at First Flight
Camp Pikachu

Love at First Flight

Now That's Flower Power!

Gulpin it Down

Deceit and Assist

A Corphish Out of Water

Hoenn Alone!

Mega Evolution Special II

Hoenn Alone!
Pikachu's PikaBoo

Having a Wailord of a Time

Game Winning Assist
Jirachi: Wish Maker

Candid Camerupt!
Jirachi: Wish Maker

An Adventure of Mega Proportions!
Mega Evolution Special II

Poetry Commotion!

Pearls are a Spoink's Best Friend

Pokéblock, Stock, and Berry
Destiny Deoxys

Going for a Spinda

Beg, Burrow and Steal

Beg, Burrow and Steal
Jirachi: Wish Maker

Delcatty Got Your Tongue
Jirachi: Wish Maker

A Poached Ego!

A Cacturne for the Worse
Destiny Deoxys

True Blue Swablu
Jirachi: Wish Maker

True Blue Swablu
Jirachi: Wish Maker

Taking Two For The Team!
Mega Evolution Special II

ZigZag Zangoose!

A Tail with a Twist

Crazy as a Lunatone
Destiny Deoxys

Take the Lombre Home
Jirachi: Wish Maker

The Great Eight Fate!

Whiscash and Ash

Which Wurmple's Which?

Stairway to Devon

Me, Myself and Time

Claydol Big and Tall

Where's Armaldo?

Where's Armaldo?

Where's Armaldo?

Lights, Camerupt, Action!
Destiny Deoxys

Whiscash and Ash

Win, Lose or Drew!

Unfair Weather Friends

(Sunny Form)
Unfair Weather Friends

(Rainy Form)
Unfair Weather Friends

(Snowy Form)
Unfair Weather Friends

The Kecleon Caper

Take This House and Shuppet

Deceit and Assist

Mega Evolution Special I

Get the Show on the Road!
Camp Pikachu

Disaster of Disguise
Jirachi: Wish Maker

From Brags to Riches
Jirachi: Wish Maker

Who's Flying Now?

Absol-ute Disaster
Jirachi: Wish Maker

Valuable Experience for All!
Mega Evolution Special I

Fangs for Nothin'

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snorunt!
Destiny Deoxys

Rhapsody in Drew

Mega Evolution Special II

The Spheal of Approval

The Spheal of Approval

Fight for the Meteorite!

Clamperl of Wisdom

The Evolutionary War

The Evolutionary War
Destiny Deoxys

A Ruin with a View

Clamperl of Wisdom

Let Bagons Be Bagons

Let Bagons Be Bagons

Vanity Affair
Jirachi: Wish Maker

Mega Evolution Special II

Less is Morrison

Saved by the Beldum

Like a Meowth to a Flame
Destiny Deoxys

Coming Apart at the Dreams!
Mega Evolution Special II

Battling the Enemy Within!
Lucario and the Mystery of Mew

Pace - The Final Frontier!
Lucario and the Mystery of Mew

Destiny Deoxys

The Road Most Traveled!
Pokémon Heroes: Latios & Latias

Mega Evolution Special II

The Semi-Final Frontier!
Pokémon Heroes: Latios & Latias

Mega Evolution Special II

Gaining Groudon
Jirachi: Wish Maker

Cloudy Fate, Bright Future!
Mega Evolution Special III

Gaining Groudon
Jirachi: Wish Maker

Cloudy Fate, Bright Future!
Mega Evolution Special III

Malice In Wonderland!
Destiny Deoxys

Mega Evolution Special II

Searching for a Wish!
Jirachi: Wish Maker

(Normal Forme)
Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys' Crisis! (Part 1)
Destiny Deoxys

(Attack Forme)
Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys' Crisis! (Part 1)
Destiny Deoxys

(Defense Forme)
Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys' Crisis! (Part 1)
Destiny Deoxys

(Speed Forme)
Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys' Crisis! (Part 1)

Following A Maiden's Voyage!

Aiding the Enemy!

Top-Down Training!
The Rise of Darkrai

Following A Maiden's Voyage!

Camping It Up!

Fighting Ire with Fire!
The Rise of Darkrai

Following A Maiden's Voyage!

Dawn Of A New Era!

Barry's Busting Out All Over!
The Rise of Darkrai

Following A Maiden's Voyage!

Following A Maiden's Voyage!

Following A Maiden's Voyage!

Following A Maiden's Voyage!

Following A Maiden's Voyage!

Dawn Of A New Era!

Settling A Not-So-Old Score!

Not On MY Watch Ya Don't!

Leading a Stray!
The Rise of Darkrai

Luxray Vision!
The Rise of Darkrai

Following A Maiden's Voyage!

Oh Do You Know The Poffin Plan!

Shapes Of Things To Come!

Wild In The Streets!

Ill-Will Hunting!

Ancient Family Matters!

(Plant Cloak)
Two Degrees Of Separation!

(Sandy Cloak)
The Electrike Company!

(Trash Cloak)
The Electrike Company!

(Plant Cloak)
Some Enchanted Sweetening!

(Sandy Cloak)
Some Enchanted Sweetening!

(Trash Cloak)
Some Enchanted Sweetening!

Some Enchanted Sweetening!

The Grass-Type Is Always Greener!

An Angry Combeenation!

Twice Smitten, Once Shy!

Mounting A Coordinator Assault!
Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part 1

The Grass-Type Is Always Greener!

(Overcast Form)
Battling The Generation Gap!
The Rise of Darkrai

(Sunshine Form)
Battling The Generation Gap!
The Rise of Darkrai

(West Sea)
A Stand-Up Sit-Down!

(East Sea)
Gateway to Ruin!
The Rise of Darkrai

(West Sea)
Double Team Turnover!

(East Sea)
Familiarity Breeds Strategy!

Journey To The Unown!

Drifloon On The Wind!

Playing The Leveling Field!
The Rise of Darkrai

Following A Maiden's Voyage!

Arriving in Style!

Mega Evolution Special II

Malice In Wonderland!

Lost Leader Strategy!
The Rise of Darkrai

Following A Maiden's Voyage!

Double Team Turnover!
The Rise of Darkrai

The Bells Are Singing!
The Rise of Darkrai

A Secret Sphere Of Influence!

Double Team Turnover!

Journey To The Unown!
The Rise of Darkrai

An Elite Meet And Greet!

From Cradle to Save
Lucario and the Mystery of Mew

Sweet Baby James
Lucario and the Mystery of Mew

One Big Happiny Family!

Strategy Tomorrow - Comedy Tonight!
Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

The Keystone Pops!

A Rivalry to Gible On!
The Rise of Darkrai

Another One Gabites the Dust!

Top-Down Training!

Garchomp's Mega Bond!
Mega Evolution Special I

Fiery Reflections in Snow

Berry, Berry Interesting
Destiny Deoxys

Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part 1

Lost Leader Strategy!
Lucario and the Mystery of Mew

The Aura Storm!
Mega Evolution Special I

Mass Hip-Po-Sis!

Sleight of Sand!

A Trainer and Child Reunion!

Mutiny In The Bounty!


Enter Galactic!

Two Degrees Of Separation!

Staging a Heroes' Welcome!
The Rise of Darkrai

Up Close and Personable!
The Rise of Darkrai

Following A Maiden's Voyage!
Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

The Lonely Snover!

Classroom Training!
Giratina and the Sky Warrior

A Real Icebreaker!
Mega Evolution Special I

Two Hues

Duels of the Jungle!
Lucario and the Mystery of Mew

Regaining the Home Advantage!
Giratina and the Sky Warrior

If the Scarf Fits, Wear It!
The Rise of Darkrai

Challenging a Towering Figure!
Giratina and the Sky Warrior

Promoting Healthy Tangrowth!
The Rise of Darkrai

Home is Where the Start Is!

Pedal to the Mettle!
Giratina and the Sky Warrior

Dawn of a Royal Day!
Giratina and the Sky Warrior

Valor: A Strategic Part of Battling!

The Thief That Keeps on Thieving!
The Rise of Darkrai

Double-Time Battle Training!
Giratina and the Sky Warrior

A Full Course Tag Battle!

Riding the Winds of Change!

A Breed Stampede!
Giratina and the Sky Warrior

Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice

A Grand Fight for Winning!
The Rise of Darkrai

Mega Evolution Special II

Nosing 'Round The Mountain!

Ghoul Daze!

(Terastallized; Ghost)

The Drifting Snorunt!
Giratina and the Sky Warrior

Get Your Rotom Running!

Get Your Rotom Running!

Get Your Rotom Running!

Get Your Rotom Running!

Get Your Rotom Running!

Get Your Rotom Running!

(Rotom Pokédex)
Loading the Dex!

(Phone; Galar)
Ivysaur's Mysterious Tower!

(Phone; Paldea)
The Pendant That Starts It All (Part One)

Destination: Coronation!

Toughing It Out!

Uncrushing Defeat!

Following A Maiden's Voyage!

Pruning a Passel of Pals!

A Secret Sphere Of Influence!


A Secret Sphere Of Influence!

Pokémon Ranger: Heatran Rescue!
Arceus and the Jewel of Life

Pillars of Friendship!
Giratina and the Sky Warrior

Chasing to the Finish!

(Altered Forme)
Try for the Family Stone!
Giratina and the Sky Warrior

(Origin Forme)
Giratina and the Sky Warrior

Sleepless In Pre-Battle!
Giratina and the Sky Warrior

Hold the Phione!

Dreams of the Sun and Moon!
Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea

Sleepless In Pre-Battle!
The Rise of Darkrai

(Land Forme)
Keeping In Top Forme!
Giratina and the Sky Warrior

(Sky Forme)
Keeping In Top Forme!
Giratina and the Sky Warrior

Showdown at the Gates of Warp!
Arceus and the Jewel of Life

(Flame Plate)
Arceus and the Jewel of Life

(Splash Plate)
The Arceus Chronicles (Part 4)

(Spooky Plate)
Arceus and the Jewel of Life

White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

In the Shadow of Zekrom!

The Battle Club and Tepig's Choice!

Jostling for the Junior Cup!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

In the Shadow of Zekrom!

Minccino—Neat and Tidy!

Search for the Clubultimate!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

In the Shadow of Zekrom!

The Battle Club and Tepig's Choice!

The Road to Humilau!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

In the Shadow of Zekrom!

A Night in the Nacrene City Museum!

The Battle According to Lenora!

Rematch at the Nacrene Gym!

Reunion Battles In Nimbasa!

Purrloin: Sweet or Sneaky?
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

Lost at the League!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

Triple Leaders, Team Threats!

The Clubsplosion Begins!

Triple Leaders, Team Threats!

Emolga and the New Volt Switch!

Triple Leaders, Team Threats!

Search for the Clubultimate!

Dreams by the Yard Full!

Dreams by the Yard Full!

In the Shadow of Zekrom!

A Rival Battle for Club Champ!

Cilan Takes Flight!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

An Amazing Aerial Battle!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

Oshawott's Lost Scalchop!

Reunion Battles In Nimbasa!

Gotta Catch A Roggenrola!

Battling the King of the Mines!

Ash Versus the Champion!

Enter Iris and Axew!

Emolga the Irresistible!

Iris and Excadrill Against the Dragon Buster!

The Bloom Is on Axew!

Dreams by the Yard Full!

A Giga Battle with Mega Results!
Mega Evolution Special II

Ash and Trip's Third Battle!

Cilan Versus Trip, Ash Versus Georgia!

The Clubsplosion Begins!

Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open!

Ash and Trip's Third Battle!

Battling the Bully!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

The Clubsplosion Begins!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

The Club Battle Hearts of Fury: Emolga Versus Sawk!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest!

Battling For The Love of Bug-Types!

Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest!

A Venipede Stampede!

Battling For The Love of Bug-Types!

The Bloom Is on Axew!

Cottonee in Love!

Clash of the Connoisseurs!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

Clash of the Connoisseurs!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

A Maractus Musical!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

A Fishing Connoisseur in a Fishy Competition!

A Fishing Connoisseur in a Fishy Competition!

A Sandile Gusher of Change!

Dancing With the Ducklett Trio!

An Epic Defense Force!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

Saving Darmanitan From the Bell!

(Galarian Form)
Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!

(Standard Mode)
Saving Darmanitan From the Bell!

(Zen Mode)
Saving Darmanitan From the Bell!

(Galarian Form;
Standard Mode)
Chasing to the Finish!
The Gathering of Stars

(Galarian Form;
Zen Mode)
The Gathering of Stars

A Maractus Musical!

A Home for Dwebble!

Crisis at Chargestone Cave!

Scraggy—Hatched to be Wild!

Meowth's Scrafty Tactics!

Explorers of the Hero's Ruin!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

A Night in the Nacrene City Museum!

(Galarian Form)
Sword and Shield... The Legends Awaken!

(Galarian Form;
Sword and Shield... The Legends Awaken!

Explorers of the Hero's Ruin!

A Restoration Confrontation! Part 1
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

A Restoration Confrontation! Part 1
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

Archeops In The Modern World!

Archeops In The Modern World!

Here Comes the Trubbish Squad!

Scraggy and the Demanding Gothita!

Sword and Shield: The Darkest Day!

Movie Time! Zorua in "The Legend of the Pokémon Knight"!
Zoroark: Master of Illusions

(Hisuian Form)
Onto the Icy Blue

The Island of Illusions!
Zoroark: Master of Illusions

(Hisuian Form)
Fiery Reflections in Snow

In the Shadow of Zekrom!

Jostling for the Junior Cup!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

Where Did You Go, Audino?

Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 1
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

The Lost World of Gothitelle!

Where Did You Go, Audino?

Beheeyem, Duosion, and the Dream Thief!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

Jostling for the Junior Cup!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

Dancing With the Ducklett Trio!

In the Shadow of Zekrom!

Ash and Trip's Third Battle!

The Mighty Accelguard to the Rescue!

Crisis at Ferroseed Research!

(Spring Form)
In the Shadow of Zekrom!

(Summer Form)
The Four Seasons of Sawsbuck!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

(Autumn Form)
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

(Spring Form)
A Connoisseur's Revenge!

(Summer Form)
The Four Seasons of Sawsbuck!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

(Autumn Form)
The Four Seasons of Sawsbuck!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

(Winter Form)
The Four Seasons of Sawsbuck!

Emolga the Irresistible!

Crisis at Chargestone Cave!

Movie Time! Zorua in "The Legend of the Pokémon Knight"!

Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open!

The Four Seasons of Sawsbuck!

A Rival Battle for Club Champ!

A Fishing Connoisseur in a Fishy Competition!

Guarding the Guardian of the Mountain!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

Guarding the Guardian of the Mountain!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

In the Shadow of Zekrom!

Oshawott's Lost Scalchop!

Scraggy—Hatched to be Wild!

Crisis at Ferroseed Research!

Iris and the Rogue Dragonite!
Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice

Evolution Exchange Excitement!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

Evolution Exchange Excitement!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

Dazzling the Nimbasa Gym!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

Cilan and the Case of the Purrloin Witness!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

Battle for the Underground!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

A UFO for Elgyem!

Beheeyem, Duosion, and the Dream Thief!

Scare at the Litwick Mansion!

A Venipede Stampede!

Battle for the Underground!

In the Shadow of Zekrom!

Dreams by the Yard Full!

Dreams by the Yard Full!

The Beartic Mountain Feud!

Iris and Excadrill Against the Dragon Buster!

Caution: Icy Battle Conditions!

Enter Elesa, Electrifying Gym Leader!

The Mighty Accelguard to the Rescue!

Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open!

(Galarian Form)
Grabbing the Brass Ring!
Secrets of the Jungle

The Beartic Mountain Feud!

Search for the Clubultimate!

The Dragon Master's Path!

Movie Time! Zorua in "The Legend of the Pokémon Knight"!

Movie Time! Zorua in "The Legend of the Pokémon Knight"!

Cilan Versus Trip, Ash Versus Georgia!

Search for the Clubultimate!

Ash and Trip's Third Battle!

Unrest at the Nursery!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

A Surface to Air Tag Battle Team!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

(Hisuian Form)
The Arceus Chronicles (Part 1)

Unrest at the Nursery!
Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice

Meowth's Scrafty Tactics!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

Evolution by Fire!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

Battling the Leaf Thieves!

The Lonely Deino!

A Village Homecoming!
Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice

Iris and the Rogue Dragonite!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

The Club Battle Hearts of Fury: Emolga Versus Sawk!

Guarding the Guardian of the Mountain!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice

Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice

The Mew from Here!
Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice

(Incarnate Forme)
Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 1
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

(Therian Forme)
Unova's Survival Crisis!

(Incarnate Forme)
Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 1
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

(Therian Forme)
Unova's Survival Crisis!

New Places... Familiar Faces!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

(In Overdrive)
In the Shadow of Zekrom!

Farewell, Unova! Setting Sail for New Adventures!
White—Victini and Zekrom
Black—Victini and Reshiram

(In Overdrive)
In the Shadow of Zekrom!

(Incarnate Forme)
Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 1

(Therian Forme)
Unova's Survival Crisis!

Bearing Down Easy!
Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice

(Black Kyurem)
Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice

(Black Kyurem; In Overdrive)
Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice

(White Kyurem)
Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice

(White Kyurem; In Overdrive)
Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice

(Ordinary Form)
Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice

(Resolute Form)
Kyurem vs. The Sword of Justice

(Aria Forme)
An Epic Defense Force!

(Pirouette Forme)
Expedition to Onix Island!

Meowth, Colress and Team Rivalry!

(Shock Drive)
Meowth, Colress and Team Rivalry!

(Burn Drive)
Meowth, Colress and Team Rivalry!

(Chill Drive)
Meowth, Colress and Team Rivalry!

(Douse Drive)
Meowth, Colress and Team Rivalry!

A Battle of Aerial Mobility!

Love Strikes! Eevee, Yikes!

Dream a Little Dream from Me!
Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

A Battle of Aerial Mobility!

Day Three Blockbusters!

An Appetite for Battle!

Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

A Rush of Ninja Wisdom!

A Rush of Ninja Wisdom!

A Festival of Decisions!

Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

To Catch a Pokémon Smuggler!

Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

(Terastallized; Fire)

Breaking Titles at the Chateau!

Battles in the Sky!

Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

(Continental Pattern)
To Catch a Pokémon Smuggler!

(Elegant Pattern)
To Catch a Pokémon Smuggler!

(Garden Pattern)
To Catch a Pokémon Smuggler!

(Icy Snow Pattern)
To Catch a Pokémon Smuggler!

(Jungle Pattern)
The Mew from Here!

(Meadow Pattern)
A Blustery Santalune Gym Battle!

(Savanna Pattern)
To Catch a Pokémon Smuggler!

(Sun Pattern)
To Catch a Pokémon Smuggler!

(Fancy Pattern)

Performing with Fiery Charm!
Pikachu, What's This Key?

From A to Z!
Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

A Fiery Rite of Passage!

(Red Flower)
Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

(Yellow Flower)
Facing the Grand Design!
Mega Evolution Special I

(Orange Flower)
Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

(Blue Flower)
Facing the Grand Design!
Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

(White Flower)
A Festival Reunion!

(Red Flower)
A Windswept Encounter!
Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

(Yellow Flower)
A Windswept Encounter!
Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

(Orange Flower)
A Windswept Encounter!

(Blue Flower)
Defending the Homeland!
Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

(White Flower)
Under Color of Darkness!

(Eternal Flower)
The Redemption

(Red Flower)
Pikachu and the Pokémon Music Squad

(Orange Flower)
Under Color of Darkness!

(Blue Flower)
Defending the Homeland!

(White Flower)
A League of His Own!

A Race for Home!
Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

The Journalist from Another Region!

The Bamboozling Forest!

Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

Sword and Shield, Slumbering Weald!

(Natural Form)
Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

(Heart Trim)
Grooming Furfrou!

(Star Trim)
Grooming Furfrou!

(Debutante Trim)
Day Three Blockbusters!

(Matron Trim)
Awakening the Sleeping Giant!

(Dandy Trim)
Day Three Blockbusters!

(La Reine Trim)
Grooming Furfrou!

(Kabuki Trim)
Grooming Furfrou!

(Pharaoh Trim)
Day Three Blockbusters!

Seeking Shelter from the Storm!

Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

Performing with Fiery Charm!

A Full-Strength Battle Surprise!
Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

(Shield Forme)
Valuable Experience for All!
Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

(Blade Forme)
Valuable Experience for All!

Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

Battling with Elegance and a Big Smile!

Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

A Battle by Any Other Name!

A Battle of Aerial Mobility!

Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

Unlocking Some Respect!
Pikachu and the Pokémon Music Squad

A Stealthy Challenge!
Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

An Undersea Place to Call Home!
Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

An Undersea Place to Call Home!
Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

Going for the Gold!

A Full-Strength Battle Surprise!
Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

The Journalist from Another Region!

Clemont's Got a Secret!

Climbing the Walls!

The Tiny Caretaker!

Coming Back into the Cold!

Coming Back into the Cold!

Kindergarten Chaos!
Eevee & Friends

The Forest Champion!

Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

A Diamond in the Rough!

A Slippery Encounter!

An Oasis of Hope!

Good Friends, Great Training!

Dreaming a Performer's Dream!
Pikachu, What's This Key?

Making Friends and Influencing Villains!
Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

Forging Forest Friendships!
Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

A Timeless Encounter!

(Small Size)
A Festival Trade! A Festival Farewell?

(Super Size)
The Bamboozling Forest!

(Super Size)
A Festival Trade! A Festival Farewell?
Pikachu and the Pokémon Music Squad

All Hail the Ice Battlefield!

All Hail the Ice Battlefield!

Calling from Beyond the Aura!

Celebrating the Hero's Comet!

(Neutral Mode)
Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

(Active Mode)
Foggy Pokémon Orienteering!

Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

(50% Forme)
From A to Z!

From A to Z!
Mega Evolution Special IV

From A to Z!
Mega Evolution Special IV

(10% Forme)
From A to Z!

(Complete Forme)
Dream a Little Dream from Me!

Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction

Getting More Than You Battled For!

Hoopa and the Clash of Ages

Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel

First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style!

No Stone Unturned!

Pushing the Fiery Envelope!

Alola to New Adventure!

Pushing the Fiery Envelope!

Pushing the Fiery Envelope!
I Choose You!

Alola to New Adventure!

Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence!

Pushing the Fiery Envelope!

First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style!

First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style!

First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style!

Alola to New Adventure!

To Top a Totem!

To Top a Totem!

Alola to New Adventure!

So Long, Sophocles!

Evolving Research!

Trial and Tribulation!

Getting a Jump on the Competition!

(Baile Style)
A Seasoned Search!

(Pom-Pom Style)
Lillie's Egg-xhilarating Challenge!

(Pa'u Style)
All They Want to Do is Dance Dance!

(Sensu Style)
That's Some Spicy Island Research!

Partner Promises!

Partner Promises!

The Guardian's Challenge!

(Midday Form)
Rocking Clawmark Hill!

(Midnight Form)
Rocking Clawmark Hill!

(Dusk Form)
Rising from the Ruins!

(Solo Form)
A Shivering Shovel Search!

(School Form; Totem)
Big Sky, Small Fry!

The Sun, the Scare, the Secret Lair!

Fighting Back the Tears!

Young Kiawe Had a Farm!

Some Kind of Laziness!

Dewpider Ascending!

Dewpider Ascending!

Currying Favor and Flavor!

The Wisdom Not to Run!
The Power of Us

Currying Favor and Flavor!

Lulled to La-La Land!

Lulled to La-La Land!

Alola to New Adventure!

Rescuing the Unwilling!

A Dream Encounter!

Alola to New Adventure!

Alola to New Adventure!

A Seasoned Search!

All They Want to Do is Dance Dance!

First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-Style!

Mallow and the Forest Teacher!

Partner Promises!

The Dealer of Destruction!

A Shivering Shovel Search!

A Shivering Shovel Search!

Alola to New Adventure!

Rising from the Ruins!

(Type: Normal)
Mission: Total Recall!

(Type: Fighting)
Final Rivals!

(Type: Rock)
Battle Royal 151!

(Type: Steel)
10,000,000 Reasons to Fight!

(Type: Fire)
10,000,000 Reasons to Fight!

(Type: Dark)
Mission: Total Recall!

(Type: Fairy)
Family Determination!

(Meteor Form)
Showering the World with Love!

(Red Core)
Showering the World with Love!

(Orange Core)
Showering the World with Love!

(Yellow Core)
Showering the World with Love!

(Green Core)
Showering the World with Love!

(Blue Core)
Showering the World with Love!

(Indigo Core)
Showering the World with Love!

(Violet Core)
Showering the World with Love!

The Guardian's Challenge!

Alola to New Adventure!

Alola to New Adventure!

(Disguised Form)
Loading the Dex!

(Busted Form)
Loading the Dex!

Alola to New Adventure!

Tasting the Bitter with the Sweet!

Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence!

Family Determination!

Family Determination!

Battle Royal 151!

Family Determination!

Sword and Shield... The Legends Awaken!

Alola to New Adventure!

Partner Promises!

A Dream Encounter!

A Dream Encounter!

A Dream Encounter!

Faba's Revenge!

A Dream Encounter!

(Radiant Sun phase)
Revealing the Stuff of Legend!

A Dream Encounter!

(Full Moon phase)
Full Moon and Many Arms!

A Masked Warning!

A Mission of Ultra Urgency!

Beauty is Only Crystal Deep!

Twirling with a Bang!

Rise and Shine, Starship!

Living on the Cutting Edge!

Battling the Beast Within!

Filling the Light with Darkness!

(Dusk Mane)
Full Moon and Many Arms!

(Dawn Wings)
Full Moon and Many Arms!

Tough Guy Trials!

The Secret Princess!
Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel

(Original Color)
Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel

The Dex Can't Help It!
I Choose You!

I Choose You!

The Professors' New Adventure!

The Shape of Love to Come!

The Long Vault Home!

Twirling with a Bang!

Battling the Beast Within!
The Power of Us

Evolving Research!

Final Rivals!

Getting More Than You Battled For!

A One-Stick Wonder!

When a House is Not a Home!
The Gathering of Stars

Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!

Settling the Scorbunny!

Kicking It from Here Into Tomorrow!

Sword and Shield: The Darkest Day!

Sword and Shield... The Legends Awaken!
The Gathering of Stars

Partners in Time!

Toughing It Out!

Not Too Close for Comfort!

Sobble Spies a Stealthy Strategy!
The Gathering of Stars

The Climb to Be the Very Best!

Crowning the Chow Crusher!

Toughing It Out!

Someone We Can't See! Whosawhatsit?

Legend? Go! Friends? Go!

Reunion at the Ancient Castle!
Secrets of the Jungle

Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!
The Gathering of Stars

Getting More Than You Battled For!

Settling the Scorbunny!

Just a Scone's Throw From Here!
Secrets of the Jungle

Meeting Up with the Monarch!
Secrets of the Jungle

Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!

Mind-Boggling Dynamax!

Sword and Shield... The Legends Awaken!

Just a Scone's Throw From Here!
The Gathering of Stars

The Climb to Be the Very Best!

Flash of the Titans!

Flash of the Titans!

Legend? Go! Friends? Go!

As Long as I'm with My Friends
Secrets of the Jungle

Kabu's Battle Training!

The Pendant That Starts It All (Part Two)

Sword and Shield: The Darkest Day!

Sword and Shield: The Darkest Day!

A One-Stick Wonder!
The Gathering of Stars

Paring Pokémon While Parrying!
The Gathering of Stars

Errand Endurance!
The Gathering of Stars

Sobbing Sobble!

Chasing to the Finish!

Just a Scone's Throw From Here!
The Gathering of Stars

(Gulping Form)
Just a Scone's Throw From Here!
Secrets of the Jungle

(Gorging Form)
Secrets of the Jungle

Just a Scone's Throw From Here!
Secrets of the Jungle

Early-Evening Waves

Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!
The Gathering of Stars

(Amped Form)
Battling Turned Up to Eleven!
The Gathering of Stars

(Low Key Form)
Battling Turned Up to Eleven!
The Gathering of Stars

Sword and Shield, Slumbering Weald!

Sword and Shield, Slumbering Weald!

Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!

Solitary and Menacing!

The Spectral Express!
The Gathering of Stars

Slip and Crash! A Mystery Pokémon?!

Must Be Our Heroes and the Witch!

Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!

Chasing to the Finish!
The Gathering of Stars

The Tale of You and Glimwood Tangle!
The Gathering of Stars

Just a Scone's Throw From Here!

Battling Turned Up to Eleven!
The Gathering of Stars

Battling Turned Up to Eleven!

Battling Turned Up to Eleven!
The Gathering of Stars

Just a Scone's Throw From Here!
The Gathering of Stars

Radio Lulled the Mischievous Stars!
The Gathering of Stars

Beyond Chivalry… Aiming to be a Leek Master!

A Flood of Torrential Gains!

Chasing to the Finish!

The Sweet Taste of Battle!
Early-Evening Waves

(Vanilla Cream;
Strawberry Sweet)
The Sweet Taste of Battle!

(Ruby Cream;
Ribbon Sweet)
The Sweet Taste of Battle!

(Matcha Cream;
Flower Sweet)
The Sweet Taste of Battle!

(Mint Cream;
Clover Sweet)
The Sweet Taste of Battle!

(Lemon Cream;
Love Sweet)
The Sweet Taste of Battle!

(Salted Cream;
Star Sweet)
The Sweet Taste of Battle!

(Salted Cream;
Ribbon Sweet)
The Sweet Taste of Battle!

(Ruby Swirl;
Strawberry Sweet)
The Sweet Taste of Battle!

(Ruby Swirl;
Love Sweet)
The Sweet Taste of Battle!

(Caramel Swirl;
Berry Sweet)
The Sweet Taste of Battle!

(Rainbow Swirl;
Flower Sweet)
The Sweet Taste of Battle!

The Sweet Taste of Battle!

Grabbing the Brass Ring!
Secrets of the Jungle

Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!
Early-Evening Waves

Curtain Up! Fight the Fights!
The Champion

Chasing to the Finish!
The Gathering of Stars

Just a Scone's Throw From Here!
The Gathering of Stars

(Ice Face)
Grabbing the Brass Ring!
The Gathering of Stars

(Noice Face)
Grabbing the Brass Ring!

Toughing It Out!

Toughing It Out!

(Full Belly Mode)
Sobbing Sobble!

(Hangry Mode)
Sobbing Sobble!

Sword and Shield: "From Here to Eternatus!"

Sword and Shield: "From Here to Eternatus!"

A Pinch of This, a Pinch of That!
The Gathering of Stars

A Pinch of This, a Pinch of That!

Toughing It Out!

Toughing It Out!

Sword and Shield: The Darkest Day!

The Winding Path to Greatness!

Sword and Shield: The Darkest Day!

(Hero of Many Battles)
Sword and Shield, Slumbering Weald!

(Crowned Sword)
Sword and Shield... The Legends Awaken!

(Hero of Many Battles)
Sword and Shield, Slumbering Weald!

(Crowned Shield)
Sword and Shield... The Legends Awaken!

Flash of the Titans!

Sword and Shield... The Legends Awaken!

The Gathering of Stars

(Single Strike Style)
Leaping Toward the Dream!

(Rapid Strike Style)
Trial on a Golden Scale!

Secrets of the Jungle

Secrets of the Jungle

Chasing to the Finish!

Chasing to the Finish!

The Arceus Chronicles (Part 1)

Rivals in the Dark of Night!

The Arceus Chronicles (Part 1)

The Pendant That Starts It All (Part One)

(Terastallized; Grass)

Breathe Out

(Terastallized; Grass)
Breathe In

The Pendant That Starts It All (Part Two)

(Terastallized; Fire)

(Terastallized; Fire)

The Pendant That Starts It All (Part One)

(Terastallized; Water)

Take a Breath

Breathe Together

Welcome to Paldea!



Breathe Together

The Pendant That Starts It All (Part One)

Nemona and Brassius and…

(Terastallized; Electric)
Breathe Together

(Family of Four)
Breathe Together

Welcome to Paldea!

Nemona and Brassius and…

Nemona and Brassius and…

Nemona and Brassius and…

(Green Plumage)
Someone We Can't See! Whosawhatsit?

(Blue Plumage)
Someone We Can't See! Whosawhatsit?

(Yellow Plumage)
The Future I Choose

(White Plumage)

Reunion at the Ancient Castle!

Breathe Together

The Pendant That Starts It All (Part One)

(Terastallized; Ghost)

Someone We Can't See! Whosawhatsit?

(Terastallized; Electric)

An Unexpected Picnic!

Breathe In

An Unexpected Picnic!

Breathe Together

Song Within the Mist

Breathe Together

Breathe Together

Breathe Together

Breathe Together

Breathe Out

Quaxly, We Can Do It

The Pendant That Starts It All (Part One)

(Zero Form)

(Hero Form)

Take a Breath

(Caph Starmobile)
Take a Breath

(Ride form)
Welcome to Paldea!

(Terastallized; Rock)

Breathe Together

Breathe Together

Breathe In

Breathe Out

Breathe Out

Breathe Together

(Curly Form)

(Droopy Form)
Breathe Together

(Stretchy Form)
Breathe Together

Take a Breath

(Terastallized; Ground)

(Chest Form)

(Roaming Form)
Breathe Out

(Apex Build)

(Sprinting Build)

(Ultimate Mode)

(Normal Form)
The Pendant That Starts It All (Part Two)

(Terastal Form)