How old is Lydia Echevarría? When is Lydia Echevarría's birthday? Where is Lydia Echevarría born? Where did Lydia Echevarría grow up from? What's Lydia Echevarría's age?
Lydia Echevarría Born: 1931 (age 91years), Puerto Rico
Is Lydia Echevarría married? When did Lydia Echevarría get married? Who's Lydia Echevarría's married to? (Who's Lydia Echevarría's husband / wife)?
Lydia Echevarría Spouse: Luis Vigoreaux (m. 19601983)
Does Lydia Echevarría have any children? What are the names of Lydia Echevarría's children? What are the ages of Lydia Echevarría's children?
Lydia Echevarría Children: Glendalys Vigoreaux