Are any of these marriages going to make it? On the Tuesday, April 10, episode of Married at First Sight, the experts had their work cut out for them as all three couples seemed to hit very (very!) rocky patches in their relationships as every single one of their mini-getaways ended on a sour note.

Shawniece and Jephte Battle in the Corn Maze
Things deteriorated in the corn maze for Shawniece and Jephte. She was mad that he wasn’t communicating and he was mad that she was being so “needy.” In fact, Jephte felt Shawniece was trying to ruin all the fun. Shawniece argued that Jephte wasn’t committed enough to their marriage. “Maybe we shouldn’t be together,” he shrugged. Yikes. Later, however, Dr. Pepper Schwartz talked them off the ledge and they shared a warm and reassuring hug – so, crisis averted … again.

Ryan and Jacqueline Threaten Divorce
After a romantic day in New York City, Ryan and Jacqueline got into a huge fight about whether or not to go out that night. Things got heated enough that Jacqueline gave her ring back and they started threatening each other with divorce. Dr. Schwartz once again worked her magic and was able to talk them into calming down. Ryan agreed to try to be less rigid (sort of) and Jacqueline felt reassured that he genuinely cared for her.
Molly and Jonathan Battle at the Bar
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Molly and Jonathan also had a fight after the cameras had gone. Though they had a nice day at the amusement park, that night they got into a huge fight when she began talking to another guy at the bar. Jonathan didn’t like that and their argument spiraled from there. Jonathan even recorded Molly (with his phone) telling him he was “disgusting.” When Dr. Jessica Griffin dropped by the next day, Jonathan presented her with the footage, and she confronted Molly about her cruel words. Molly said she didn’t regret anything, and it seemed that this would be the end of the road for the newlyweds.
Tell Us: Do you think there is any hope for any of these couples?
Married at First Sight airs on Lifetime Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET.