Jeffree Star’s recent posts on social media raised a lot of eyebrows online. After posting a bunch of pictures with his “NBL boo,” the internet is now wondering who this new person in Jeffree’s life is. The speculation started after Jeffree took a picture of himself and another man holding hands on a private plane.
The picture was captioned:
“Goodbye LA, time to spend time with my #NFL boo in Wyoming.”After the picture was uploaded on January 28, 2023, Jeffree uploaded yet another image and claimed that the man is allegedly 6′6″. In the picture, the man was seen holding Jeffree's hand and standing with his back towards the mirror, so that his face could not be seen.
Jeffree said:
“His team didn’t make it to the #SuperBowl but he’s 6’6 and plays perfect in the bedroom.”While Jeffree has not yet revealed who the new man in his life is, the internet is speculating about who it could possibly be. As per the build of the individual seen in Star’s picture, netizens believe it could be Cole Kmet, the popular American football tight end for the Chicago Bears. One social media user claimed that Cole Kmet has the same build, height, and hair color as the man in the picture.
The netizen said:
“Nah it’s Cole Kmet same build same hair team color is orange 6’6 it’s gotta be him.”As per Chicago Bear’s website, Cole Kmet’s height is in fact 6′6″. This could be the reason why social media users are claiming that the new man in Jeffree’s life is Kmet.
“If you compare to Cole Kmet’s hands” - Social media users wonder who the man is in Jeffree Star’s pictures
After Jeffree Star uploaded two pictures with his new “boo,” the internet was sent into a frenzy as the posts confused and excited fans and followers at the same time. As soon as the cosmetic brand owner uploaded the posts, the internet began speculating about who the man with Jeffree was.
Tagging Star and commenting on his posts, most people believed that the man was Cole Kmet. Some even shared pictures of Kmet’s hands to prove that they were indeed his hands in Jeffree’s pictures.
Many others also believed that the person in the picture was Carl Nassib.
Others dug deep and shed light on the fact that the man in the picture could not be Carl, as he is dating Olympic swimmer Soren Dahl.
While neither Jeffree Star nor Cole Kmet announced that they are dating, the internet has definitely gone gaga with their speculations and guesses. Prior to this, Jeffree Star was in a relationship with Nathan Schwandt, whom he dated for five years before the couple split up in January 2020.
After this, he had a brief fling with Andre Marhold in the summer of 2020. As per In The Know, the popular YouTuber also dated Sean van der Wilt in 2021.
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