Soon after your first two classes in Hogwart’s Legacy — Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts — you’ll begin the Weasley After Class quest, whereby you’ll be summoned to the Transfiguration classroom to have a quick word with Professor Weasley. She’ll tell you that she’s decided to send you on an assignment into the nearby magical village of Hogsmeade but, seeing as it’ll be your first time in the village, she wants you to be accompanied by a more experienced student. Given that you interacted a lot with Sebastian Sallow during Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and with Natais “Natty” Onai during Charms class, she suggests taking one of those two along with you. But which one should you choose?
Related: All Demiguise Statue locations in Hogsmeade in Hogwarts Legacy
Which companion is best: Sebastian or Natty?

For your first assignment to Hogsmeade, you should choose whichever companion you are most interested in learning more about, as this is the only real difference this decision makes. On your way into Hogsmeade, you’ll chat with your companion and they’ll tell you more about themselves, so go with Natty if you want to hear more about her, or with Sebastian if you want to hear more about him. If you want to hear more about both of them, then you can always catch up with whoever you don’t go with after you come back to Hogwarts.

Your choice of companion in Hogsmeade makes no difference at all to the ongoing story, and very little difference to the story or gameplay of the rest of the Welcome to Hogsmeade quest. Sebastian is in House Slytherin and Natty is in House Gryffindor, but you can choose either of them regardless of which house you yourself are in.

Whether you choose Natty or Sebastian, you won’t meet up with them and set off to Hogsmeade immediately. First you’ll have to complete an assignment for Professor Ronen and get the Reparo mending charm spell. After completing Professor Ronen’s Assignment, follow the main quest marker to meet Natty or Sebastian (depending on who you chose) at the Hogwarts entrance.
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Gavin Mackenzie
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