When America's biggest city was mostly farmland.
Construction of Madison Avenue. 1836.The New York Historical Society Junction of Broadway and Eighth Avenue. 1862.George Hayward/The New York Historical Society Central Park from Eighth Avenue. 1862.New York Public Library Church of the Holy Trinity, the site of the future Grand Central Station. 1864.The New York Historical Society Looking north from 106th Street on Eighth Avenue. 1869.The New York Historical Society Leonard W. Jerome Mansion at 32 East 26th Street. 1877.Library of Congress Brennan Farmhouse at 84th Street and Broadway. 1879.The New York Historical Society Carnegie Hill. 1882.The New York Historical Society Manhattan Bridge during construction, circa 1901.Buyenlarge/Getty Images Intersection of Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue. 1883.Museum of the City of New York Dakota Apartments at Central Park West and 72nd Street. 1884.Museum of the City of New York Lenox Farm at the corner of 71st Street and Madison Avenue. 1885.The New York Historical Society Workers clearing rocks to build 81st Street at Ninth Avenue. 1886.Museum of the City of New York Columbus Circle. 1892.Museum of the City of New York New York City Hall. 1893.George P. Hall/Museum of the City of New York Corner of Fifth Avenue and 118th Street. 1894.Museum of the City of New York Squatters' shacks on Fifth Avenue and 101st Street. 1894.Museum of the City of New York Bloomingdale Asylum entry gate in Morningside Heights. 1895.The New York Historical Society/Getty Images Workers building the extension of New York’s Eastern Parkway. 1896.The New York Historical Society The southwest corner of Amsterdam Avenue and 124th Street. 1898.James Reuel Smith/The New York Historical Society The Bronx. 1898.The New York Historical Society Inwood Hill seen from West 204th Street. 1899.Museum of the City of New York Edgar Allan Poe Cottage, The Bronx. 1899.Wikimedia Commons Columbus Circle. 1900.Columbia University Library New York University. 1901.Library of Congress Sheep's Meadow, Central Park. 1906.Library of Congress
Before New York City became the shining metropolis that we know today, with its glass and concrete skyscrapers and wide, shop-filled avenues, much of it was quiet farmland. In fact, prior to the mid-1800s, most of the area that would become New York City was all but undeveloped.
Before European colonization, the area we now know as New York was inhabited by a number of Algonquian tribes living in small communities. Then, after the Dutch invaded in 1624 and drove out the Native Americans, the region was known as New Amsterdam and grew to the size of around 8,000 inhabitants.
Next, New Amsterdam was seized by the British during the Third Anglo-Dutch War in 1674 and rechristened the colony of New York, after the Duke of York. Due to its role as a major trading port in the region, the colony of New York began to grow in this period.
After the revolutionary war, New York only grew in prominence in what was now the fledgling United States. Nevertheless, the city still remained a largely undeveloped collection of farms, houses, and businesses.
It wasn't until the 1830s and 1840s that New York truly began to build the recognizable foundation of the city that we know today. At that time, wealthy landowners began to move into the city and lobbied for the development of public works like parks and roads.
At the same time, vast numbers of immigrants were flooding into the area. This wave included a vast number of Irish immigrants fleeing the Great Famine in their country, and many Germans fleeing revolutions in their country. Furthermore, New York became a free state in 1827, causing African-Americans from across the country to flood into New York.
This mass of both laborers and wealthy elites laid the groundwork for the increased development of the city. Thus throughout the latter half of the 19th century, many people lived in farms and shanty towns as, slowly but surely, a major city formed around them.
But this city was not yet a single community. In fact, up until 1898, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx were all separate cities apart from New York.
The images above show how New York looked before it became one, before it was developed, before it grew into the city we now know. From a collection of pastoral towns to a gleaming city on a hill, New York's development is a sight to behold.
Next, check out these 35 photos you won't believe were taken in New York City. Then, have a look at some terrifying photos of the New York subway in the 1980s.